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5月27日——西南技术物理研究所王浟教授:Photonics Lasers, the Rising Laser Sources for Next-generation

作者:lxy  编辑:院科研办   发布日期: 2024-05-20   来源:院科研办  

讲座题目: Photonics Lasers, the Rising Laser Sources for Next-generation

主 讲 人:王浟 教授/国家特聘专家(西南技术物理研究所)








Photonics lasers, mainly semiconductor lasers or laser diodes (LDs), were successfully invented in 1962 and achieved the continuous wave (CW) output at room temperature in 1970. Later, photonics lasers were improved to develop several configurations with the double-heterostructures (DHs) and the stripe structures, etc. Until now, photonics lasers have been widely used in optical fiber communication, optical discs, laser printers, laser scanners, laser pointers, and are the largest laser type in production at present. The advantages of photonics lasers are high efficiency, small size, light weight, and low price. In particular, the conversion efficiency of the multi-quantum well (MQW) typed LDs is 40-60%, and in a word, the high energy efficiency should be their biggest merit. In addition, the continuous output wavelength covers from the THz-infrared to the visible-UV range, and the light pulse output of several tens watt products have also been commercialized. As liDAR or pump light sources, photonics lasers are very easy to use. They are mature earlier with faster progress because of their wide wavelength range, simple production, low cost, easy to mass production, and small size, light weight, and long life, etc. Therefore, photonics lasers should be the laser sources with the variety of rapid development, wide range of applications, most technical promising, and most market potential in the future.



王浟教授于1986年从浙江大学获得工学学士学位,1991年从合肥工业大学毕业并获得中国科学院理学硕士学位,1997年于日本东北大学获得工学博士学位。毕业后留任担任助理教授(日本国文部省教官),随后在理光集团的若干研究所和HPK 中央研究所担任研究员,同时担任日本最大的自然科学研究机构——理化学研究所的兼职研究员。他现作为国家特聘专家在西南技术物理研究所任职。他的研究涉及光子学技术、多种激光器和工业应用的理论和实践,包括量子光学、激光动力学、分子与原子物理、固体激光、半导体激光、气体激光、图像处理、精细激光加工、特殊波导技术、激光生物医学、光电技术等。他在学术期刊和重要学术会议发表了超过220余篇论文,共申请了中国、美国、日本与欧盟共六十余项专利。他是中国仪器仪表学会光机电技术与系统集成分会理事,中国光学学会光电子专委会光机电分会理事,中国兵工学会激光技术专委会副主任委员,中国光学学会激光加工专委会、中国光学工程学会激光技术及应用专委会委员,新加坡光学与光子学学会、日本电气工程学会、美国光学学会会员,他还是International Journal of Optics and ApplicationsScientific & Academic Publishing (SAP)和国内《激光技术》期刊主编。

